
Maker and consumer of
of various kinds of art
Art and museum educator with
a focus on contemporary art and gamification
(Aiming to practice)
feminist, critical, and radical pedagogy

Some stuff I’ve done before the stuff I’m doing now, in no particular order

Master’s Degree Programme in Art Education (2022) &
Master’s degree programme in Fine Art (2014)
Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Finland

Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Fine Art (2011)
University for the Creative Arts, England

Exchange Studies, Fine Art (2010)
Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal

Fine Art’s Programme, equivelant to foundation degree (2008)
Västra Nylands folkhögskola, Finland

Writer’s Residency (2023)
Donnerska residenset, Finland

Artist Residency (2013)
Villa Karo, Benin

Art exhibitions and performances (2007 - current)
In Finland, Sweden, England, Portugal, Germany and Benin

Museum and exhibitions guide (2007 - current)
In Fiskars summer exhibitions, Amos Anderson’s Art Museum, Kiasma and Amos Rex

LGBTQ+ Rights and Awareness Events, workshops and charity work

Art teacher
Freelance workshops and teacher at Kirkkonummi Art School

Trained in: Visual Thinking Strategies, public speaking, improvisation, easy language, nonverbal communication, visual description, basics in game design, gamification

Egyptin varjo ”The Shadow of Egypt” (2020 - 2021)
Course project and Zine, Aalto-University and Amos Rex
Winner of the Pedaali Annual Award in Museum Pedagogy 2021

Burnout Mermaids: Merpersons (2020)
Part of Frame’s Rehearsing Hospitalities in collaboration with Museum of Impossible Forms

Speaker at seminars and webinars
- Game Amos (2023)
- Sixth Finnish Colloquium of Middle East and North African Studies (2021)
- Artist talks (since 2011)
- Guest lecturer on art and museum pedagogy (since 2020)

Memberships (current):
Pedaali ry, Kuvataideopettajat ry